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Human-Information Interaction in 3D Virtual Environments (HII3D)
Date du début: 1 juin 2012, Date de fin: 31 août 2013 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"The proposed research would allow the Fellow to bring her expertise in Human-Information Interaction (HII) to a unique joint project of the Department of Ergonomics and Psychology (DEP) at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) in Hungary and the 3DICC Laboratory of the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (CARI - HAS) and the BUTE. In the innovative proposed project, the Fellow will study HII in novel 3D virtual environments.Two related research subprojects are proposed: 1) the study of collaboration and information sharing in geographically dispersed, networked 3D immersive environments 2) the development and evaluation of 3D information displays and visualizations. The research will take advantage of the unique hardware and software infrastructure and expertise of the 3DICC and the DEP BUTE.The outcomes will include:1) significant and high quality research results relevant for the EU Future Internet priorities and disseminated through joint publications by the Fellow and the European hosts,2) the potential for developing marketable solutions by the 3DICC’s Hungarian industry partners,3) the development of strong, sustainable collaboration between the two Hungarian institutions and the Fellow’s United States-based home institution,4) significant and applicable knowledge transfer to the European host institutions and Europe."

