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How to work together for promoting Youth employment in Europe
Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 1 juil. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"How to work together for promoting Youth employment in Europe, Happy-UE" is Youth Workers Mobility project, held in Nizza di Sicilia (Italy) for 6 days. It brought together 39 participants, from 14 different European organizations of 11 Programme Country like Italy, Bulgaria, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Romania, Latvia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Estonia. The main topic was focused on youth unemployment, the needs of European labour market and the problem of youth unemployment in Italy and in other European countries involved in the project. The aim was to develop skills and competences with youth leaders and youth workers who discussed, compared and exchanged best practices in order to help young people to improve their situation, also to build their personal curriculum. Happy-UE would like to contribute to the development of courage in initiative taking and their entrepreneurial spirit at local, Regional and European level to give youngsters the opportunity to participate actively in themes that are affecting them. The project has been addressed through a methodology of non-formal work, in which the structured dialogue provided a boost to employment, and youth mobility in the labor market in the EU. The youth workers, trainers and youth leaders discussed about economic situation and its impact on youth policy at local, regional and European level. The meeting was an invitation to hope and optimism and it translated the words into action, searching the answers to solve this situation. Different activities were implemented in which young people can got to know other realities and cultures, intercultural dimension, and work on the future of Europe under the Europe 2020, European dimension. The activities have been realized making use of methodologies based on the non-formal learning principles, with this activities: Ice-breaking and Intercultural Games, Press Conference, Round Table, Interactive Workshop, interviews, Role Play, Seminar, Open Space Technology, Working Group, Networking, Evaluation, Intercultural Night, Moments of debates, Discussion and Comparison.



13 Participants partenaires