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Horizon Europe : entreprendre autrement
Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The inventiveness through the crisis in alternative businesses, particularly in the countries of southern European Union, heavily affected, gives rise to new forms of organizations and entirely redesigns economic models. Inventiveness exploring sustainable alternatives, social innovation to give answers to needs that are no longer taken care by the public services. Many experiencescan be shared. The Europe 2020 strategy to exit the crisis and prepare EU economy for the next decade is launched. The Commission identified three key drivers for growth, to be implemented at EU and national levels through concrete actions : smart, sustainable growth and inclusive growth. Maintain and develop jobs in the social services and general interest is the need displayed by Europe.In this strategy, another economy is to be invented, on the basis of a social economy. "Horizon Europe" is a professional development training / recovery and integration of a social economy organisation.Driven over six months, this training, led by the CREFAD Loire and co-constructed in its educational contents with the Carrefour Europe Direct and Jean Monnet University, adapts to the needs and expectations of trainees through the construction of an individualized learning path. It includes a professional immersion course which lasts two months in a social responsible company in a country of Southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece) and theoretical courses to acquire the essential notions and bases for leading its future activities (organization , communication, finance, management, administration, ...). The immersion course will enable participants to confront their own project to other forms of business, depending on the socio-economic context of the country of destination, and confirm or invalidate their initial project on their return in France.The training will begin in October 2016 and ended in March 2017. It will benefit 14 participants from the Rhône-Alpes Auvergne region and multiple profiles (active from 20 to 55 years old).The selection of candidates will be primarily on criteria motivations in the pursuit of a professional project to create its own activity and interested in an experience abroad.



4 Participants partenaires