Rechercher des projets européens

Hoornbeeck CALL 2016
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The policy for International activities will be based on the general policy of our college. This means apart from the developments on college-level, opportunities for the five departments in Amersfoort, Rotterdam, Apeldoorn, Goes and Kampen to create there own policy in order to comply with the specific local aims and opportunitities.The interviews with students, who experienced a period abroad will be used as input to improve our policy. The proces of preparation, coaching and evaluation is will be changed in accordance with the experience of the past years. Digital ways of contact will be used more frequent.Staff mobility will be prepared and set up in order to professionalise teachers and optimalise excisting contacts. Attention wil also be paid to dissimination in the areas of the several departments. The context and background of our project is student and staff mobility . The Hoornbeeck College wants internationalization more embedded in the organization and expand in the Health and Welfare Sector and ICT and Economics . From 2009 this development is put in motion .From students and teachers will increasingly demand an international learning / work experience . This is because of better opportunities in the labor market and because of the crisis, more flow to the HBO ( by students ) .Goals are international experience , exchange of knowledge and skills , development of personality of students and increase proficiency . For teachers especially professionalism , better coordination on the international labor market and transfer of new methods and techniques to students .Numbers :Health : 40 students and nursing care , 4 teachersWellbeing : 6 students Teaching Assistant , 6 teachersEconomics: 4 students, 2 teachers.ICT: 2 studentsEnglisch: 12 teachersActivities :Student Internships in hospitals and schools and companies.Teacher Training in hospitals and schools and companies.Methodology : A clear path of awareness , selection, preparation , development and dissemination , laid out in a roadmap for teachers and a guide for students.Results:Students are better professionals who can put themselves in the labor market. Flexible in various international settings.They have evolved in dealing with multiple cultures and therefore have a broader vision .Developed in the field of personality and specific profession.Teachers works more professional and know how to give their lessons a fascinating twist. Also the use attractive examples from the work areas the visited.A relevant field where is a mutual exchange.Long- term benefit :Further development of students in professional direction and HBO .Committed, professional and enthusiastic teachers.Connection with professional field .Implemented policies internationalization Hoornbeeck College.Language competences. Excellentieplan students and teachers. See attachement Excellentieplan.



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