Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Rome University of Fine Arts has been actively participating to the Erasmus+ program since the academic year 2011-2012, firstly, within the LLP program then under the Erasmus . The Erasmus + program is considered strategic in the process of internationalization of the institution oriented to integration and understanding of the European context through exchanges with partner institutions in the framework of the High Education in Art, Design and New Technologies for art. Rufa has disseminated within the Institution the potential of the program through the direct experience of teachers, staff and students who have promoted it towards their colleagues , increasing the interest and the number of teachers and staff, and students mobility exchanges. In the academic year 2015 -2016 agreements with European Institution signed by Rufa are 18 overspread in 13 countries. The Institutional agreements are based on teachings about the visual arts, design and applied arts with a focus on projects and innovative methods, with the aim of improving skills of the participants, the increase in employment opportunities and prospects for the future career of students. Currently the University partners so are in: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey. In the academic year. 2015-2016. 11 outgoing students have experienced the Erasmus mobility for studies, 2 for training, 3 teachers and 3staff members, for a total of 19 participants the number of participants has been increased in comparison with the mobilities in the academic year 2014-2015.. Within the selected students for study mobility 2 students have participated to the Erasmus+ mobility for thesis research (1 in the field visual arts, and the other one in the field of Design and Applied Arts). Since the academic year 2014-2015 Rufa has been participating in the Erasmus program for mobility internship / placement with the mobilities of 2 recent graduated in the field of visual arts. Overall, the Erasmus + experiences are considered very positive opinion from the students who experienced the mobility. the aim the program is to internationalize the education systems and support and develop partecipants' abilities and skills, creating a bridge between education and the world of work, especially in the case of training for mobility.The observed features in each student developed with the Erasmus + mobility are: a greater capacity for integration and membership of a European society, deepening and development of artistic skills, based on research activities both for study and personal interest, improving of education and training knowledges and methods, thanks to the members of staff mobilities who have created contacts and exchange activities with foreign colleagues both on teaching methods, both on mutual artistic activities, professional and research, as well as greater awareness, independence and confidence in interpersonal relationships. The exchanges were also aimed at creating a partnership for international activities, such as competitions and exhibitions, joint projects in the arts and design, organized between the partner institutions. The mobility of staff made it possible to know the bureaucratic practices and acquire the rules by the Offices of the target institutions involved in the Erasmus exchange, and to unify the procedures and acquire best practices for managing all mobility activities

