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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our institution is a professional and technical high school, which offers two-years courses in Assistant Manager, Accounting Assistant, Communication, Tourism, and Financial and Family Adviser with a third year for being Financial and Family Counselor. Because of its organization, students from these formations can't leave for study mobility, and our activities are mainly focused on traineeship mobilities. We've been organizing traineeship mobilities for our students for 15 years, firstly with the Leonardo Programme, then with Erasmus +. This year, 28 students in 1st year of Assistant Manager, Tourism, and Financial and Family Adviser went to United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Spain, Netherlands, Greece or Croatia for a 2-month long traineeship. They improved their language level, opened themselves to other cultures and other professional practices. Moreover, companies have been mainly very satisfied with their trainees, which mean that most of them will welcome a new trainee next year.

