Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The structure of the Consortium, consisting of three universities, two Conservatories and a School for Advances Studies, reflects the geographical proximity and commonality between different partners (such as universities and conservatories) which are seen as a positive opportunity for dialogue between different worlds in higher education. The Consortium will also rely on partners outside the university as professional association and local authorities which allow members to create a strong network outside the academic context. Several measures have been taken by the KTEU Consorzio to ensure a high quality and a strong internationalization process to improve the links between education, research and job opportunities in Europe. The Consortium has been created to develop a specify strategy: - train individuals with cross-cutting knowledges; - increase and improve the knowledge of a foreign language; - increase the ability of students to adapt to different situations and contexts between them. The main goal has been to create a model of education and training which allow to meet the HEIs objectives of modernization of higher education through the improvement of training, innovation, and research. The original idea has been crate a system of HEIs which operates in a macro regional level to foster strengths and similarities of the partners and at the same time take advantage of diversity. Aware of the importance that Erasmus + Consorzia gives to HEIs all the Consortium partners have created training programs that have been focused on quality. To maximize the efficiency of the Project goals, each Department of the University of Udine (lead partner) creates, according to the general policy, a specific approach to reach general targets defined by administration. This gives Departments the possibility and the opportunity to choose Companies, Institutions and Research Departments that appear the best complement with the local curricula in terms of opportunities for students. This “federative” strategy is chosen to obtain the best practices in different fields of study and offer students the best possible opportunities of traineeship. Coherently to the strategy focused on quality, the best students are selected for traineeship mobility flows and attention is put on traineeship certificate outputs. The University of Udine as Consortium leader promotes international traineeship mobility, offered by the KTEU Project, since the first recruiting steps (open days, fairs, meeting with students) to enhance the awareness of the real added value of mobility as a tool for changing society and for academic background development. This model is going to became a model for all the partners (exception for Conservatori) to realize a common “KTEU Consortia” strategy despite the problems and the diversity of each organization as regard internal administrative and policy strategy. The “KTEU Consortia” has adopted a specific strategy, as indicated in our EPS strategy, due to its peculiar geographical border area. We have settled particular collaborations with companies, Institutions, and Research Departments in Austria and Slovenia which are countries where the graduates students could find a future job. As a result of the strong international policy adopted the University of Udine has increased mobility flows despite the social and economic awkward situation. As for the number/ profile of participants mobility flows are relevant in the language area but there are mobility flows in others study areas: engineering, economics, ITC and many others.

