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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project took place at Czestochowa University of Technology (CUT) / POLAND, between June 1st 2014 and May 31st 2016, within Erasmus+ KA103 Programme - "Higher education student and staff mobility within Programme Countries". It was running through 3 academic semesters (autumn and spring 2014/2015 and autumn 2015/2016). University participated in all available outgoing and incoming mobility components (SMS - student mobility for studies, SMP - student mobility for practice, STA - staff mobility for teaching, STT - staff mobility for training). Taking part in the project, university was going to follow the guidelines of European social policy to stimulate horizontal mobility of highly skilled skilled staff participants and students among Programme Countries by: - Striving to fulfil the objectives of the European Commission for the European Higher Education Area to increase the level of internationalization of education; - Ensuring the highest possible quality of education and social capital development within EU, by enabling students to acquire additional soft and hard skills (including those acquired by informal way) during abroad studies; - Professional development of academic staff members, by participation within staff mobility process abroad, to increase administration and management efficiency level (i.e. by work shadowing and good practice implementation) - Raising the professional qualifications of teaching staff members through their work experience achieved through direct process of foreign student education and possibility of work within international environment. - Contributing to the process of integrating the European community through cultural exchange accompanying the students mobility. 92,16% of people taking part in the mobility confirmed that they are very satisfied or at least rather satisfied with the experiences they have gained during the mobility, while similar level of satisfaction (100%) was measured in case of all other groups having been taking part in the exchange programme - incoming as well as outgoing. Assumed strategy of Czestochowa University of Technology (CUT) and its European Policy Statement goals have been followed and met expectations while realizing the project. 81 people took part in the project as outgoing mobility participants, while 66 foreigners from partner institutions took part in it as an incoming mobility participants. Certain categories of outgoing mobility to Programme Countries were as following: -outgoing student mobility for study (SMS): 51 participants, 12 of them with additional financial support as a result of disadvantaged background funded by PO WER HE Programme (Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development – Higher Education), -outgoing student mobility for practice (SMP): 4 participants, -outgoing staff mobility for teaching (STA): 23 participants, -outgoing staff mobility for training (STT): 3 participants. Summary duration of outgoing student mobility months, compared to the originally given number in contract among National Agency and CUT, is 134,41%, that is 250 months. Number of realized days by outgoing university staff members in the same comparison is 150,00%, that is 135 days. During that time, Czestochowa University of Technology finalized 50 incoming student’s mobility, as well as 16 incoming staff mobility members within all above mentioned categories. More than 100 new Inter-Institutional Agreements have been established with Higher Education institutions, within the programme validity period. Most of it is agreed till 2021. Standard of student’s guest houses has also been raised by funds based on operational mobility support grant (OS). Academic life has been enhanced in terms of making learning more international and international mobility more attractive. Student’s social life involved by OS funds given at student’s organizations development, events, trips and language support. Apart of previously given educational offer conducted entirely in English at CUT: - BSc in Biotechnology for Environmental Protection, - BSc in Business and Technology, - BSc in Intelligent Energy, - BSc in Computer Modelling and Simulation, - BSc in Management and Production Engineering, - MSc in Management - MSc in Logistics, new English taught specialization had been developed: - MSc in Management and Production Engineering, - MSc in Computational Intelligence and Data Mining, - MSc in Modelling and Simulation in Mechanics, CUT’s offer for incoming students increased to almost 200 subjects/components taught in English are provided within our course catalogue at:

