Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

CONTEXTO - TRASFONDO - ANTECEDENTES. El IES SATAFI es un Instituto de Educación Secundaria que, entre otras, dispone de enseñanzas técnicas de Formación Profesional de grado superior en las especialidades de Electricidad – Electrónica y Administración. Con este proyecto completa su sexto año consecutivo involucrado en la movilidad trasnacional de nuestros estudiantes de FP de grado superior para realizar sus prácticas de fin de Ciclo Formativo en empresas del extranjero. El entorno del IES SATAFI consiste en barrios de trabajadores con recursos económicos mayoritariamente muy limitados para cuyos hijos poder disponer de la cuantía económica de la beca es el factor determinante entre poder realizar esta experiencia laboral y vital en el extranjero o no. OBJETIVOS. En este proyecto teníamos como objetivo enviar a un mínimo de cuatro alumnos becados como hemos ido haciendo durante los tres últimos años. Estos cuatro más un número variable de uno o dos que, eventualmente, se pueden permitir costearse económicamente el proyecto y se desplazan con beca cero, conforman los cinco o seis alumnos que la experiencia nos demuestra que podemos mandar regularmente en nuestro centro. NÚMERO Y TIPO - PERFIL DE LOS PARTICIPANTES. Los participantes han sido tres en total, dos del ciclo formativo SISTEMAS ELECTROTÉCNICOS Y AUTOMATIZADOS y uno del ciclo formativo SISTEMAS DE TELECOMUNICACIONES E INFORMÁTICOS. Todos ellos tienen unas excelentes calificaciones y un alto nivel de inglés. Además, uno de ellos tiene un nivel muy aceptable de alemán (B1), previo a la movilidad. DESCRIPTION OF UNDERTAKEN ACTIVITIES All three students have carried out their mobilities in companies (all three companies in Germany, two of them located in Burgbrohl and one in Berlin), performing a 70 days traineeship period validatable for their Professional Module “Training Period in Companies”. All of the students had a level of English corresponding to B2, very suitable for the project. The two or three students that could not perform their mobilities due exclusively to financial reasons – they were not granted due to the cut of mobilities (as the last three years we asked for four but for the first year we receive only two), had also a very good level of English. Therefore, our appreciation of the results and impact obtained can be divided in two different items: • A very positive first appreciation concerning to the impact that this project has had for the three students that luckily, could perform their mobilities. Two of them have been engaged in their companies in Germany. They are now satisfactorily integrated in their working and social environment. We are convinced that this sustained working experience will be an essential turning point for their professional career and for their Spanish business environment when they, eventually, decide to return. • A negative second appreciation concerning to the missed opportunities for our students that, due to the cut in the number of mobilities produced, could not join the project. LONGER-TERM BENEFITS As longer-term benefits, the following items can be mentioned: • The working experience acquired by our students in a very competitive business environment, belonging to the most advanced ones in Europe. This will result in a great advantage for them and for our business environment when they eventually decide to return. • The maintenance of longer-term positive relations between our School and companies that have been proofed to be very satisfactory for this kind of projects. • The setting-up of new relationships with companies to cooperate eventually in the future. • The positive impact this project has had on our organization, expanding the working expectations of our students, for whom this examples are a powerful stimulus.

