Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

In the Art School San Telmo High level vocational training of Arts applied to Sculpture, Ceramics, Graphic Design and Interior Design are taught. In addition, this wide offer is completed by Graphic Design and Fashion Design Upper Degrees. This broad training offer encourages us to stimulate the students to live an experience abroad, integrating into education systems and city´s culture and way of life in different countries. The concession of the Erasmus Higher Education Charter (ECHE) to San Telmo Art School for the 2014-20 period has marked the starting point for the application and execution of this first KA 103 within the mobility program Erasmus + project. Since then, we began to manage the mobilities of study abroad under the Erasmus + project through a bilateral agreement with other educational institutions. The specific targets of this Project: • International promoting of our center and students • Encourage students to perfom mobilities, and of the highest quality. • Promote culture and European spirit. • Stimulate learning in a foreign language and culture. Multilingualism and immersion in the host country. • Learning about teaching and learning systems in the host country. • Integration and interaction with the local population. • Give students a chance to train academically in another country. • With regard to teachers mobility, the possibility of getting in touch with other institutions and teachers collaborating, learning and working modes systems that may be used in our teaching practice, improve language skills, follow-up visits to students, etc .. Among the general objectives: • Promotion of peace and people understanding • Increase of global visión of the human being as European and World citizen • Achievement of a better knowledge which increases the solidarity and tolerance among people of different origins. • Finally, being ambitious, to change and improve the life of our students. Number and profile of participants: Four students and one teacher have had the opportunity to carry out mobilities, Regarding the students, all of them (students and teacher) belong to Upper Degree. With regard to the students, two of them were studying Upper Degree of Fashion Design and the other two students belong to Upper Degree of Graphic Design. Results and impact achieved: • One of the most remarkable facts is that two of our students, particularly those who were studying Upper Degree in Graphic Design, decided to continue studying there during the first Semester of 2015/16 course with Grant 0. This has led to a very significant development in communications skills and foreign language skills. • Exchange students have shared their experience with current students through meetings organized by the International Relations Department. These meetings have been very positive, since then the number of mobility application has increased. • In the same way, the presentation of our European programme to other teachers at the center has also had very positive consequences. Thus, some students of Upper Degree and High level vocational training have requested mobilities of studies and practices abroad under the Erasmus + program. • Additionally, our centre is preparing to request mobilities through the European Voluntary Service next school year 2016/17. • We are also preparing a new Project for applying under KA2 programme • As it is the first year we manage the project on our own way, we have found certain administrative and management difficulties, which we expect to solve in future editions. • The coordinator of International Relations Department and Erasmus + Program has participated as an assistant in courses about Erasmus + organized by the Teaching training center (CEP), conferences in SEPIE and since last February she has been selected Spanish National Agency (SEPIE) to join the panel of Experts as an evaluator of KA2 projects.

