Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

IES Federico García Lorca is a public institution which provides of advanced vocational education in the fields of Business Administration, Commerce and Marketing, International Trade and Logistics. We have had Extended Erasmus Charter since 2009 and the participation in the Program is part of our own strategy to improve the quality of our higher education. During 2014 call, our institution has participated in the Erasmus+ Pogram carrying out five student mobility for traineeships between Programme Countries. We have met our proposed quantitative objectives because the number of mobilities implemented correspond to the assigned mobilities. We also believe that we have met the quality objectives as described in the grant agreement and the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education. These objectives are: - To help students increase their professional, social and intercultural skills and employability. - To enhance the quality and attractiveness of our vocational education. - To foster social and economic integration among different cultures. - To improve foreign language profiency among mobility participants. - To modernize, internationalize and improve the quality of teaching in our institution. To carry out quality mobility activities is necessary to have reliable partners and committed to the agreements. We have looked for new enterprises through several ways: setting out bilateral arrangements with transnational institution and business associations, contacting educational authorities and Erasmus National Agencies, encouraging students to actively search for enterprises, using the platform e-Twining, contacting directly companies visiting them in the country of destination and contacting by email and phone. For the selection of applicants, we published on the website of our institution a public call for participation in the Program, in which the students can find an application form and the requirements set out in the call. The selection of candidates is made according to the following criteria: - Test to know the linguistic competence of the applicants. - Personal interview to assess the interest, motivation, commitment and capability to cope with such challenges. - Student academic record of the previous year. Before signing the Learning Agreement, the student is informed about the tasks to be developed at the business and the knowledge, skills and competence to be acquired. Recognition of mobility is performed as follow - The traineeship is embedded In the curriculum. - The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is applied. - The traineeship is recorded in Europass Mobility and Diploma Supplement documents. With regard to participant support we organized talks in a foreign language about destination countries, inviting experts and former participants to share their experience. In addition, participants are provided with a brochure with information students should consider before traveling to prevent risk concerning: visas, accident and liability insurance, health care card, emergency telephone numbers, etc. Regarding linguistic support, language classes are organized inside and outside the institute, online resources are provided and students are encouraged to participate in the OLS courses. To perform monitoring, both tutor of student and the Erasmus coordinator contacted regularly by email and phone with the participant and student mentor at the enterprise. In addition, the student had to fill out and send the "weekly follow up worksheet" document to his tutor at the educational centre. The impact of mobility activities on participants are extremely important, given the level of youth unemployment in Spain that it is unacceptably high. The trainee acquire some of the personality traits that favor their hiring by employers. These features are: tolerance, self-confidence, the ability to solve problems, awareness of their qualities and faults, and a strong character. Two out o five trainees was offered a position at the enterprise where they did their internship. One participant has set up his own business and two of them intended to do it. Participation in the program not only improves career prospects, but also gives students more broadmindedness and helps trainees to improve their social relationships. Regarding the dissemination of mobility activities, we have a Facebook account, Erasmus coordinator reported to faculty about mobility, participants are invited to participate in talks to share their experience, we organized seminars to promote vocational training and dissemination of mobility results, inviting businessmen, students, local authorities and educational authorities.

