Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The participation of the Conservatory of Music of Corunna in the Erasmus + program in the Call 2014 has tried to give greater international visibility to our institution, through the exchange of students and teachers with various European conservatories and has enriched our skills from the point of view of the student and teacher. They have been reasonably met the objectives, but for teaching STA mobilities have been somewhat lower than expected, given the economic crisis and the inability to visit partner institutions by one of our teachers at the originally scheduled dates. We consider very important the continuity of our institution in an active participation in the Erasmus program so that our Conservatory can advance in the positive results so far. We have made a selection of about 30 European partners that allow our educational community to have a network of contacts in order to develop activities in the field of higher education. We want to increase our partners in the field of business creation and distribution of music and above all we need to get agreements with symphony orchestras and music recording industry, allowing our students to do traineeships in the field. Below we describe some aspects: -context and background. The Conservatory of A Coruña has been participating since 2008 in the Erasmus program, maintaining a constant activity in the exchange of teachers and students. Each year has increased the number of European partners. -Goals. Educational improvement goals have been met, albeit from a numerical point of view teachers who have come to make teacher mobility from our institution have been less than expected. Perhaps we should encourage more this type of mobility in our institution. -Number And profile of participants. They have made mobility 30 people, 15 students and 15 teachers. The Erasmus program is well established in our institution. -description Of activities undertaken. have mainly been mobilities of SMS studies (15), for teaching STA mobilities (6) and mobilities for training STT (9). -Results, Impacts, benefits. The main outcome from the point of view of the students has been the improvement of their professional skills. Contact with other teachers and other educational systems enhances their knowledge and allows them to connect with other fields of knowledge and find new relationships to make music. From the point of view of teachers, we consider the possibility of observing other colleagues from other institutions to import good practice, both pedagogical and organizational level very useful. In our Conservatory also we organize concerts always teachers who come to teach at our institution, so that our students can observe their artistic abilities. All exchanges of teachers has the added benefit of increasing awareness among our institutions and enhance mobility of students in the future.

