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European Projects
Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2016
The centers of the consortium has participated in a Galician consortium of CIFPs, coordinated by the "Consellería de Cultura ,educación e Universidades da of Culture, Xunta de Galicia, within the Leonardo da Vinci IVT program (medium level) This regional initiative consortium of CIFPs program has served as reference to develop this proposal of Ourense's local consortium.
The selection of candidates for mobility process began with informative talks at classroom. The coordinators of international programs directly visited the students to explain the program of mobilities. Direct coordination with the teaching staff of each cycle and with tutors of group was also established. During the assesment previous to mobility dates , a selection was made in each training cycle. The selection criteria and the process' results were published on the web and on bulletin boards at the centers.
Later, people selected for mobility did a training activity about cultural and linguistic content or OLS.
To spread the area of international programs we use: internal communication and coordination between departments; website of the Consortium 's centers and International Programs blog, press releases to the media and use of the corporate image of European programs in internal and external communications.
The objectives of the consortium are:
1. Locating Ourense in the context of European mobility experiences for the field of vocational education degree.
2. Strongly supporting the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes of students and teachers throughout the vocational higher degree of Ourense.
3. Encouraging professional development and modernization of Ourense's population, through knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovation activities carried out in the EU labor contexts.
4. Providing the educational communities Ourense contact with other languages of the EU, promoting their knowledge, improvement and / or learning.
5. Promoting the deeper knowledge of other peoples and cultures and the development of European identity to Ourense's people .
6. Increasing interest in the international dimension of educative, training and professional projects developed in Ourense's community .
7 Adding synergies between formal vocational training, non-formal education, businesses and local and international social and economic agents.
8. To value the stay of students and staff in training centers of other countries through the official recognition of the skills acquired.
The types of mobility activities carried out are:
- Mobility of students for practice (12 weeks), including those that correspond to the performance of the FCT module of training courses of vocational training for obtaining the title and for young graduates, in order to start work experiences and increase their employability.
- Mobility of staff training (5 days). These mobilities have a twofold purpose: improving staff skills and the selection of centers of practice for students.
There have been a total of 26 mobilities, 9 staff and 17 students .About the staff ones , non-teaching staff did not participate , only teaching-staff did . Teachers who teach subjects in the following cycles: health, social integration, business management and marketing, animation activities physical and sports in Germany, Italy, Finland and Hungary participated. Students who participated in the mobilities had studied the following cycles: administration and finance, secretariat,pre-school teaching , health and beauty and welfare care , information technology, medical and nursing care, energy efficiency and solar thermal energy and civil engineering projects in the UK, Turkey, Ireland, Poland, Italy, Portugal and Finland. Out of the 17 students, two were newly qualified and others performed the FCT.
As for the results we would like to highlight that four students got jobs in the country where they made mobility. We hope that the experiences and knowledge acquired by students and teachers in their mobilities are transmitted to the other components of the CIFPs and society in general as follows: teachers wil use them in the classroom and they will be communicated to other teachers at the center and to teachers at other schools; students will carry their experiences to the companies where they will work and from there to Ourense's society
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