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Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2016
Activities aimed at increasing the University mobility was addressed to two groups of beneficiaries.
The first group consists students (31 person in total) - outgoing (6) and incoming (23) students who go for one semester or one year of study or training (2).
The second group of beneficiaries was the workers (16 person in total), including academic staff (6), who conduct classes for college students and administrative staff taking part in various forms of training (10 person in total - 8 outgoings and 2 incomings). The type of training depends on the kind of the work done at the University of Finance and Management in Białystok and it leads to the increase of knowledge and competences.
Erasmus+ programme was promoted by the University in different forms such as posters, announcements, information meetings, indyvidual meeting between the workers or students.
The activities were guided by the principle of equal access to education, in the respect of sex, colour, nationality or religion.
Participation in the programme is a motivator for continuous improvement of training methods such as workshops, projects and application of modern technologies, for example an e-learning platform. The experience gained by the academic staff during their Erasmus trips is applied at the University.
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