Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The IES Brianda of Mendoza of Guadalajara, has always bet for the internationalization of its pupils with diverse programs of European exchange, both by means of the program Commenius and for the different twinnings with French cities, Italian. . . and from the year 2011 we have the Letter approved Erasmus to be able to offer our pupils of top cycles of Professional training of the families of Administration, Computer science and Commerce and Marketing the possibility of realizing its practices in companies with international vocation. The targets that we try to obtain offering this one opportunity to the students are: - that the pupils have the first contact with the professional reality, what will give them an extra cost to its C. V. on having realized them out of Spain, facilitating its labor insertion to them on having finished the studies. - to encourage the practices in companies of the European Union and the linguistic improving. - to improve the attitudes and individual competitions of the pupils perfecting its languages level and contributing to a major competitiveness and managerial spirit. - to give to the pupils the opportunity to live through an unforgettable experience that will mark the whole life to them. - to admit its practices abroad. The project 2014-1-ES01-KA103-002873 consists of 3 scholarships so that 3 pupils could benefit from them. Specifically, the scholarships have been awarded to 2 pupils of the top cycle of FP of Administration and finance and to 1 pupil of top cycle of FP of Computer science. Its English level was a B2 and they have not had any type of problem in the destination country. The three realized its practices in Great Britain, in a company in London. Also they went to realize practices Erasmus 2 pupils who had scholarship in the program Erasmus. es, which in the report they appear like students awards a scholarship to zero. Also they went to realize practices Erasmus 2 pupils who had scholarship in the program Erasmus. es, which in the report they appear like students awards a scholarship to zero. The activities that the pupils have realized in its practices, have been related to its studies, for example to analyze prices and alternatives with competitors, to manage the on-line order, to take the invoicing and accounting of the company, to restore stock, to manage and to send orders asked providers, tasks of maintenance of computers, update of hardware, maintenance of the web page, solution of on-line problems of buyers, to update operating systems, design of a page d and virtual shop electronic commerce, to create a blog for the company. As for the results and impact obtained, it is necessary to emphasize that the experience of the pupils has had a very positive echo in other students of the center, since they have been able to transmit the positive thing of realizing practices with the program Erasmus +, having for this one I study more pupils' demands that want to take part in the same one. Also, every year some pupil continues working in the country where there are realziado the practices and considering the difficulties current situation at the time of finding used the young people, it is one more incentive to want to realize its practical erasmus +.

