Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Paris-Sud is a multidisciplinary research oriented university that re-groups 5 geographically distinct campuses. Each of the 9 faculties houses an International Relations (IR) office that centralises student mobility requests, identifies partner universities, oversees the academic aspect of the exchanges and ensures adequate preparation and follow-up of outgoing students. Each IR office works hand in hand with the university’s head office for the Direction of International Relations (DIR). The DIR establishes inter-institutional exchange agreements, oversees outgoing staff mobility, finalizes outgoing student applications, pays student monthly allocations and welcomes and accompanies incoming students. In addition, the DIR plays a pivotal role in assuring that administrative procedures pertaining to student and staff mobility are respected and, finally, disseminates the project results. Outgoing students are prepared, to varying degrees, for their exchange experience by their faculty IR office. The Tandem partnership programme that pairs Paris-Sud and international students complements this preparation. English language courses are mandatory in all programmes at UPSud. Other foreign language courses are available, as electives. The faculty IR office follows their outgoing students throughout the exchange period. Survey results show that UPSud students are very satisfied with the recognition of their academic achievements during their international study experience. These results, and the active participation of returning students in events sponsored by the DIR, contribute to the promotion of international mobility at UPSud. The faculty IR offices and the DIR are in close contact with incoming Erasmus students and provide them with valuable advice on visa procedures, student housing, access to study programmes, and in general, ensure the best conditions possible for their adjustment at UPSud. Local student associations and the Tandem Partnership Programme contribute to this effort. Throughout their study period, incoming exchange students have free access to a tutor if necessary, and upon their arrival, the DIR offers an intensive French as a foreign language course, as well as weekly classes throughout the entirety of their mobility period, free of charge. Upon completion of their studies at UPSud, the mobility officer of each faculty transmits the students’ academic transcripts directly to the international relations office of their home institution. Staff mobility is managed exclusively by the DIR. Individual efforts undertaken by UPSud personnel pertaining to training and participation in international events are recognized not only by the Direction of International Relations, but also by the governing bodies of the university. However, due to budget constraints, teaching performed partner universities is not taken into account in the mandatory hours of instruction required from UPSud academics. UPSud achieved 92.5% of its global mobility forecast, and used 98.2% of its allotted budget. It should be noted that while financially disadvantaged students make up only 17% of the UPSud student body, this group represents 27% of all outgoing exchange students. The mobility flow in 2014-2016 corroborates a long-standing collaboration with the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany. Moreover, at the faculty level, there are also strong collaborations with Finland, Italy, Romania and the Czech Republic. 94 and 98% respectively of incoming and outgoing students were globally satisfied with their Erasmus+ experience and testify as to the quality of the support network provided by both home and host institutions. However, changes in project directives during the current project period resulted in some difficulties related to financing and follow up of student mobility during the first semester of the project. The project has contributed to a better visibility of the academic programmes offered at UPSud, which is now, at Masters’ and Doctorate levels, part of the Comue Université Paris-Saclay. Hosting incoming exchange students has served to improve the quality of our programmes; encouraging innovation in teaching techniques, including a determination to increase the number of English taught courses. Erasmus+ internships reinforce the ties between higher education, research and enterprise. Such mobility experiences increase the level of competence and qualification of our future graduates. The international dimension of the project is revealed in the different parts of the modernisation plan of our university. In particular, the project has led to better communication and mobility management with UPSud partners as well as an increase in our capacity to oversee cooperation projects at both European and international levels. Finally, the project stimulates collaborations locally and fosters the international prospective of the Comue Université Paris-Saclay.

