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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Erasmus+ has been an essential program for enhancing the internationalizations of our degrees, our students, our staff, and our institution in the whole, for many years now. It is addressed mainly to the mobility of students, teachers and staff, and the objectives are the developing of language skills, new methods in learning and teaching, skills in multicultural interaction, as well as to develop inter-institutional cooperation and networks in academic and knowledge topics. In what concerns the mobilities we had in 2014-15 15 students for studies outgoing, 4 teachers outgoing (2 for teaching and 2 for training), 82 incoming students for studies and 7 incoming teachers for teaching, meetings and workshops. These mobilities happened in all of our degrees and scientific areas. Besides the personal and academic challenge that the mobilities are both to students and staff, the increasing number of mobilities each year has been important to the external evaluation of our degrees.

