Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

When applying for participation in the Erasmus+ Program, the Aarhus School of Architecture defined a European Policy Statement (EPS). Taking this in to account and rewieving the results and statistics, we would like to conclude the following: The European context Our EPS called for continued efforts to work with European Institutions, focusing primarely on student and staff exchanges/internships. During the Program period we have revised our partner portolio, reducing the number of institutions we exchange with. In spite of this, we have maintained a number of mobilities that have increased. The increase is not big in numbers, but that was not expected either due to the size of our Institution. Partnerships As explained above, we reduced the number of partnerships to better fit the academic needs of our Programs. We do believe theis process has yilded stronger ties with the institutions due to a more stable mobility flow. One element hampering this development, has however been the lack of English taught Programs at Institutions with a high academic relevance to us, just as structural hindrances to a further development of the exchange nextwork has been noticed. For the students in internships, we have maintained a strong focus on working with companies worldwide. With the field of Architecture being particular to Denmark/Scandinavia, we have seen the numbers of students in European internships decrease a little. The is not a surprise to us, as students think in employment terms when contemplating internships. We have on the other hand opened up for our inbound exchange students being allowed to take internships as a part of their Danish exchange experience. We do however find that most European institutions do not recognize internships as an academic activity, not even when academically supervised as ours. Students Our EPS called for a continued concentration on student exchanges, and we have followed this track laid out. In order to stimulate especially the out-bound student administrative process, we have initiated a much more easy and flexible recognition process of the achieved academic content of the exchange. On the other hand, the report calls for an increased focus on the necessity to get all evaluation forms back from the students. Also, we need to keep a focus on the balance between being able to publish our academic units/studios earlier, and sustain the innovative elements of the units/studios by allowing as much time as possible for the teaching staff to adapt their academic work to our goal of being contemporary and innovative. Staff In terms of the goals set out in our EPS, we have seen a slight increase in outbound staff mobility. Not surprisingly, we find that our staff emphasize the networking aspects of their Program, rather than the academic development of their background. We believe that in a longer perspective, the staff undoubedtly will see a progress and development. Countries of interest In the EPS, we stressed that our cooperation with the Erasmus Partner countries in essence is not different than the with the rest of the world. We maintain that notion for several reasons: Europe is not an island and if Europe is to be developped, we need to work with the rest of the world on exactly the same terms. Academically, Archtiecture is not confined by borders, but is a field that is open to inspiration globally. Administratively, the processes of managing a European cooperation portfolio should not defer us from working globally, often working with institutions outside Europe is easier and more flexible. Areas of improvement: We need to improve the student feedback, the course information and to some extent the academic supervision. We will continue to strive to comply with the aims and ideas of the Program and the documents entailed in this process. Concluding remarks: The Erasmus+ Program works! We can do better making it more flexible and less paper heavy. The report fionding has given us a clear framework for the work we will have to do, and we need to do, and this work will begin now! We work with people, institutions and companies, we work for the public and the greater good of our society. We feel that by participating in the Erasmus+ Program, we have a tool that helps us reach the both modest, yet ambitious goals of our Profession. Also, it is important for us to stress the professionalism and help we have received throughout the contract period by the Danish National Agency and their colleagues in the Technical Agency and Directorate General. The help and support has been invaluable to our success and progress!

