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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Implementing the Erasmus+ project No. 2014-1-LT01-KA103-000021 we administered incoming / outgoing students for studies and incoming / outgoing students and graduates? traineeship mobilities, training and teaching visits by incoming / outgoing university staff, teaching visits at VMU by staff from foreign enterprises / organizations, organized integrational activities for the students / staff, published promotional materials for publicizing the program, participated in conferences and meetings with current and potential Erasmus partners. The main objectives of the project: to implement 133 student mobilities for studies, 77 student / graduate traineeship mobilities, 45 teaching visits and 9 training visits. The following were implemented: 235 student mobilities for studies, 111 student / graduate traineeship mobilities, 78 teaching visits (2 visiting professionals were from foreign organizations) and 27 training visits. The implemented objectives were exceeded by 170 per cent. The implemented project helped to make the university more international and provided opportunities to achieve the strategic goals of the university: Increase the internationality of studies by developing international (joint and double degree qualification) study programmes, international doctoral and post-doctoral studies, enhancing mobility in studies using multilingual capabilities developed in the University. Develop the internationality of scientific activities by ensuring active participation in recognised international research networks and international research programmes, internationally disseminating scientific and practical results, and encouraging mobility in scientific activities. Activate the internationality of the University community by providing favourable conditions for the university community to develop language and intercultural competences, creating favourable conditions for integration of foreign lecturers, researchers and students, as well as ensuring favourable conditions for community members and graduates working abroad to participate in the University life. The program also provided an opportunity to develop intercultural competencies, to get firsthand information about about the current trends in foreign countries, and to participate in ?internationalizing at home? for VMU students and personnel, with the help of incoming students and personnel from partner institutions. Aiming to fulfil the needs of incoming students, the courses at VMU that are taught in English are annually reviewed and the number of courses is expanded. These subjects are also offered to full time students at VMU. In addition to this, the VMU community was invited to events where the target group were foreign students. This way the community could network and share their experience. In the framework of this project the VMU students were offered a new possibility, that is to have Erasmus traineeship for graduates. Future graduates were very much interested in this opportunity and actively participated in contests. During the period under review 32 VMU graduates participated in the traineeship. It is worth to mention that we have already received information and gratitude from the students who really appreciated the given opportunity. After the traineeship some of the students received invitations to stay to work in their chosen foreign enterprises / organizations.

