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Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2016
As a small institution from a not very developed region with a high number of unemployed young people it is important for us to take part in the Erasmus+ mobility program. This is the only way to offer our students the possibility to go abroad to gain some important work experiences and consequently references for future job opportunities. So, the main purpose of the project was to provide our students and staff work placement and training opportunities. Especially for students it is essential to gain work experiences and if they have the possibility to gain them abroad the better. For staff it is important to see how other schools function, to find out about similarities and differences between study programmes, to see what kind of activities they offer and to make new contacts for future cooperation. In the application for 2014 we asked for five student mobilties and two staff training mobilitie and we received grants for two student mobilities and one grant for staff training mobility. So we had two Information Technology students who did their work placements in Spain and Croatia. The IT student in Spain needed little help for organising the work placement. She found a suitable company according to the field of her work interest. She was satisfied with the staff and the company itself as she had the opportunity to be creative at her work. She also had the opportunity to improve her English as this was the working language, nevertheless, her English level was already C1/C2 before she left for her work placement, which she proved by doing the Language assessment test offered by the Online linguistic support. After she returned from her work placement, she filled in the participant report form and did the language assessment again. The Language assessment showed little improvement in her case as she did very well before she started the work placement. The other student needed a little more help with organising the work placement. He also did the language assessment before he started the work placement and after he had finsihed it. The Language assessment showed that he had improved his level of English quite noticeably. He was also satisfied with the staff and the company itself because he had the opportunity to do different kind of work, from repairing hardware to programming. Some work was quite challenging but he was satisfied because he managed to do it. His working language was English but he also communicated in Croatian, especially when socialising with other young people or during everyday situations like going to the shops. So he had the opportunity to improve two languages. Furthermore, this student did some networking for our school as the company he did his work placement at is very interested in inviting more IT students from our school. This proves that they were satisfied with the knowledge and work of our student. He is also thinking about going back to the company after he graduates as a young Erasmus graduate to gain more work experiences and to make more contacts. Our head of student affairs office did her training in the Czech Republic. She visited, with some colleagues from other higher vocational schools in Slovenia, a higher vocational school in the Czech Republic which offers similar programmes to ours. She had the opportunity to find out about the working process at school, learned about good practices regarding student affair matters and exchanged experiences regarding her field of expertise. In addition, she met new people and set foundations for further cooperation and also practised language skills. She also had the opportunity to visit one of the local companies which is very interested in offering work placements to students from abroad. Work placements were among others another important topic discussed. We are also satisfied with our incoming staff mobilities of Turkish colleagues. Teachers and administration staff have come for some years now to do teacher training and staff training at our school. It is a welcome opportunity for students and teachers to meet a diiferent culture as teachers usually present Turkey with its history, traditions and customs besides doing their teaching job.
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