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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The main purpose of this project was to enable some students taking part in traineeship abroad, have opportunities to know working environment connected with their study field in other countries. Another aims are improving language skills, possibilities of establishing international connections and new experience in order to increase attractiveness in the labour market. Professional development of faculty was important as well. Mentioned goals are consistent with Silesian Medical College in Katowice Mission, e.g. maintaining the high quality of education adapted to dynamically changing labour market conditions and care about professional and scientific development of students and faculty. Mobilities realized during the agreement: - Student mobility for traineeships between Programme Countries (1 person - student); - Staff mobility for training between Programme Countries (1 person - academic teacher). Mobilities proceedings were consistent with ECHE, participants were provided with appropriate support and information about all the necessary procedures. Main result of those activities was widely defined progress of participants, but also improving their own capacities and gaining new experience.

