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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

2014-1-ES01-KA103-002044. Program: Erasmus + KEY ACTION: KA1-Learning mobility of Individuals Activity: KA103-Higher education student and staff mobility Call Year: 2014 Start date: 01/06/2014 End date: 30/09/2015 Project duration: 16 months The Erasmus + project for the year 2014-15 in the CSM Rafael Orozco of Cordoba is the continuation of the mobility activities since 2005 will be awarded the Erasmus Charter. Since that time our school has made mobility of students and teachers at a growing number of collaborating centers. The main goal of our center is to contribute to mobility of our students and staff, and thought to achieve maximum educational cohesion in the European framework. An opening of the teachers at the European reality, with partnerships with similar centers is necessary. Our goal is an understanding of the social and cultural realities of different countries with private schools. 204-15 this year have been 5 of our students (all girls by the way) who have made mobility, being the host countries Austria, Poland, Portugal and Lithuania. Of these five students, one of them held a mobility of 5 months. Other mobility enjoyed one academic year completo.Todas have returned with a satisfactory compliance with all subjects in their Learning Agreement proposed. As mobility of teachers 4 participants were teachers, in centers in Italy, Romania and Holanda.Han taught master classes to students in receiving centers and in most cases have completed training with musical activities, concertísticas or conferences. As a results, bringing the academic success achieved by all students, with 100% of subjects recognized on his return. All our students express satisfaction about the European experience, knowledge of the culture and language correspondiente.Igualmente experience of students participating in mobility, makes you want other students to be part of the Erasmus + program, increasing the number mobility applications for each year. As teachers shows great satisfaction in the knowledge of different techniques and prevailing curricular programs in other centers europeos.Toda this experience is reflected in their regular lessons in our center

