Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project has been beneficial to 5 "year-4 students" at ESITC. After our information meeting during which we presented the ERASMUS + programme and our institutional partners, 5 students confirmed their participation . The first objective to be reached is to adapt a new way of teaching, learning and living. The second one is to improve their language skills et become autonomous. During their mobility, these engineer students participated in team work to carry out civil engineering and management projects . Openmindedness, autonomy, experience and adaptability are key words of these mobilities. The participants showed a great interest in sharing their experience with the "year-3" students during a presentation meeting. This has had a real impact on the motivation and mobility choices of the future Erasmus participants.

