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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The Salesian Professional Institution, Salesians Carabanchel (Madrid) has been part of the Erasmus+ program, concretely within the Key Action 103: Students Mobility for Training, for the first time during the academic year 2014-2015. The college was granted with four Erasmus+ scholarships, with which four of its Vocational Education and Training students have carried out their traineeship in Ireland. Two of them, students of the Vocational Education and Training in Sport and Active Leisure, developed their training program in the Salesian College Celbridge, Ireland. Within the Physical Education Department, these two students performed the objectives and acquired the knowledge and key competencies proposed in their training program during their three months training period, being awarded with the corresponding twenty-two ECTS credits, since the traineeship is embedded in the academic curriculum. Likewise, they have significantly improved their communicative skills in English, since they have been deeply involved in the Irish culture, both in and out of the college. The other two, registered in the Vocational Education and Training in Early Childhood Education, were part of the Erasmus+ program as Zero-grant students since they were awarded with the scholarship, funded by the Spanish Education, Culture and Sport Ministry. Currently, they do not appear in this tool since the are not elegible mobilities because they did not reach the minimum required. Even so, they will be mentioned throughout this report. Both of them carried out their training in the Pre-Primary Schoold Brigit's Hearth, based on the Waldorf Education principles. Unfortunately, these two student did not complete their traineeship, coming back to Madrid before finishing their training period and, therefore, without fulfilling the aims and without acquiring the knowledge and key competences proposed in their mobility program.



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