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Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014,
Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015
Madrid School of Design is in its fourth year of history as the new public institution of reference for design education in Madrid. Although it results from the merge of four previous schools with a long history and experience in their four specialties: Graphic, Interior, Fashion & Product, his career as a unified higher education center is relatively short.
However, the school has considered from the begining that the internationalization, through the mobility of students and teachers and participation in European projects, is a key factor in its project and development. The head of the department and some of the members have a long experience in international projects.
Working with design schools in Europe and the world is seen as an essential strategy for growth and exchange of experiences.
During its first year, the school was coordinator of one of the seven Erasmus Intensive projects approved for that year in Spain. We worked on design for Madrid Public Space with seven recognized European institutions, including for instance London University of the Arts. More than 72 students and teachers met in February 2012 to work on a project called Design as Ethno-tourism.
The number of mobilities is very high too, considering the number of students and teachers in relation to other centers with similar characteristics in Madrid, and the interest keeps growing. We are doing Student Mobility for Studies (19 SMS) and Work Placements (9 SMP) and Teaching (6 STA) and Learning (4 STT) Staff Mobility. This year we have had a record of applications of both students and teachers for 16-17.
Thanks to our participation in Erasmus + KA1, we are currently working in the application for a KA2 Knowledge Alliance and also the application to be part of the international association of design schools Cumulus.
We are still in a period of implementation of Erasmus +, seeing all the possibilities it has to offer and and learning to manage the program and all the innovations that have taken place recently. Still, we know that the effort made by the institution for the internationalization is a differentiating factor, so we keep making improvements in the department of Relaciones Internacionales. We believe that it is improving every year.
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