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Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2016
Our Project that March 2015 was the deadline of application and applied and approved was carried out between 1 June 2014 to 30 September 2015. Through the KA 1 project of Higher Education, it was aimed to realize learning and traineeship mobility of students and teaching and traineeship mobility of staff.
It was foreseen 68 students for learning mobility and it was received all applications from our students either undergraduate or graduate degree who accomplished the criteria.
It was foreseen 9 students for traineeship mobility and it was received all applications from our all educational level students who accomplished the criteria.
At the end of the Project, 83 students in learning mobility, 12 students in traineeship mobility; 10 staff in teaching mobility, 9 staff in traineeship mobility carried out and in total 113 mobilities were realized.
Compared with the amount of contract, number of the realized mobility is high. Impact of the Project in terms of our University, it is clear that recognition of Erasmus plus and the number application by not only students but also staff increased according to previous year. Quality of the standard was raised while leading the programme. The staff who involved the mobility has increased their interest, manner and knowledge and they invited faculty members from Universities that they went to there for mobility. These invited faculty staff had an opportunity to give lectures to our students at Our university. Through this kind of activities, number of application for mobility both staff and student gained momentum. Reduction in staff mobility grant is not proportional to the number of increasing staff and demands for mobility at universities. Although staff mobility in Erasmus plus is getting popularity year by year, but the grant for this mobility is decreasing and mobility demand of academic staff who will train students does not fully meet with the decreased budget. Because of that some staff was obliged to involve to mobility without grant. It is aimed to increase bilateral agreements and quality of the programme in long term. The increase in the number of incoming students is an indicator of this. Services and support of the office which were offered to incoming students will continue to increase.
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