Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project was developed between October 4014 and December 2015, concerning 10 people, according to the Erasmus Chart 2014-2020. Between October 2013 and June 2014 11 students ( 3 of them with a grant zero authorized by the AN) participated in the project and were very successful.They were able to start working in their professions- they are still working ,4 of them in the countries they moved to and 1 set up a business in Santiago. This has contributed to improve even more the quality of the firms that have accepted the students and the project itself. Our main aims: - To achieve cultural training related to the hospitality and turism industries and sociocultural services to the community. - To achieve further training which will help our students to get a job. - To improve our students´ language learning. - To encourage and foster the teachers´training. - To foster transparency,the acknowledgement of training and the periods of the practical training. - To let students become aware of the importance of longlife learning and be open minded to the new market trends. - To promote personal and professional responsibility,to respect people´s rights and to collaborate with their partners. - To encourage students´full training. - To promote creative learning through professional experiences with their trainers. 10 Higher Grade Vocational Training students of Kitchen Management ,Restaurant Management and Hotel Management aged 19 to29 participated . They accomplished theoretical and practical activities in different sections of the jobs , according to their specific learning training. After the training ,every student was awarded a EuropassMobility Certificate in Spanish and English. The training activities in companies were accomplished following the regulations related to their studies and the training in the firms (FCT ),which was passed by all students, the same as all the studies in the CIFP Compostela,stating the respective credits ECTS :22 for each subject/student. As a result , the academic acknowledgement of the students´training was achieved ,also the communication in a different language of a European country was improved and above all they found a job after finishing the training. Taking into account the student´s results and observations we highlight: -They were satisfied or very satisfied with the experience. -All of them have found a job (100%). -One of them Started his own business (10%). -The students have shared their experience at school with future participants - Meeting with future candidates. - Former students who have enjoyed the experience in previous years and who are working in companies and cities of the country where other students are going for training make the project even more interesting.They are going to collaborate with other students in finding lodgement and new firms.As an example , the city of Rennes (France ) or Leicester ( England ) ,or Hamburg ( Germany ) where former students who enjoyed the experience of a Erasmus+project are working. Our plans are to extend the number of mobilities and above all the number of companies that allow our students to achieve an excellent training.

