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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

2014-15 was the first year Nisantasi University took part in Erasmus+ program. Our main target for the year was to familiarize the Turkish students with the program, and include a realistic number of them into study and youth mobility actions (KA1) giving them opportunities to undertake a learning and social experience in another country. Moreover, there is a value added from the incomers around Europe in terms of education culture. Turkish students had the opportunity to network with students coming from other social and educational backgrounds. Through that interaction students had the opportunity to experience new ideas, perspectives, good-practices, to compare, to change, to improve themselves and get prepared for future challenges. Following the first year's success, Erasmus+ idea is now well-spread among our students. For the 2015-16 first application period 29 students in total applied for participating into studying and training mobility compared to the 11 students of 2014-15. There is an obvious new pro-European turn in our students perception about living and studying abroad, in the EU particularly. Our Erasmus+ students returned back to Turkey with new enthusiasm, ideas and future plans for searching job opportunities in the country they have visited. Equally important was the participation of our administrative and academic staff members into mobility activities. In particular, members of administration have less experience and presence in international environment. Their participation in the program as well as their cooperation with visiting members of our partner universities helped them analyze better problematic aspects of their tasks, motivated them, make them understood differences in business and education culture.

