Rechercher des projets européens

Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The submission of the application that resulted in the present Project was in line with the strategy of ESHTE’s internationalization which, among other actions, aimed at the promotion of the mobility of its academic community in the context of the European area, and as has been developed since the ESHTE participates in European programs of lifelong learning. In line with the reasons set above the main goals associated with this project were: -strengthening the strategy of ESHTE’s internationalization; -strengthening the partnerships network with European higher education institutions; -strengthening the partnerships network with companies/organisations, through the professional internships mobility; -promote the spirit of European citizenship, in particular to the student community; -promote new academic and professional skills of the participants; -promote the employability of our students within European labour market; -promote the exchange and sharing of knowledge between the various actors and beneficiaries of the project. This mobility project is addressed to: - 1st and 2nd Cycle Students (Bachelor and master), either for mobility for studies either for placements; - Recent graduates; - Teaching Staff; - Office/Administrative Staff. Following a permanent goal of increasing the volume of flows to be achieved, during the lifecycle of this project, it is shown a shy but positive growth of our domestic demand when compared with previous projects. This reality is observed in the annual program applications, with proper correspondence on final execution of student’s mobility’s. This is shown as the full number of motilities foreseen have been achieved. Such scenario can be justified either by the national economic recovery, either by the increasing awareness of the benefits, at the curriculum and employability level, which international experience represents. Internally, while executing the project, several changes were implemented regarding the communication strategies associated to it, and the restructuring of the management teams, factors that may have contributed to the achieved results. Similarly, were designed and implemented new administrative procedures in order to make, with multiple actors, faster and effective processes, without compromising the specific rules and regulations of the program. It is revealed, both at the staff and student’s level, a clear preference on mobilities to Spain, which can be justified by the geographical, cultural and linguistic proximity and the apparent similarity of cost of living. In the context of the procedures recasting applied in the present project, a strategy of meetings prior to mobility with all beneficiaries explaining the content and purpose of each document necessary to the construction of individual processes, was implemented, enabling a greater speed and efficiency in the management of the administrative processes. The increase of academic partnerships expanded the spectrum of supply which contributed to a greater geographical diversification mobilities for studies. At the training level, although maintaining the majority of the demand for training courses in Spain, it was revealed a major European spreading by encouraging beneficiaries to look for internship placement that would allow them to contact with other realities. The novelty introduced in the program, through the figure of internships for recent graduates, was an asset although the demand is still very low, probably due to strategic internal disclosure date, which will be rethought and rescheduled for implementation in future projects. The preliminary results, already recorded and analyzed using the mobility reports, allow us to evaluate a high level of overall satisfaction with the experience, although there are singled out some negative points (in terms of partner institutions and in terms of internal management) that imply the need for a deeper analysis and consideration so that they can be corrected or mitigated.

