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European Projects
Higher education student and staff mobility projec..
Higher education student and staff mobility project
Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,
Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015
Since its Foundation in1989 ESAD (College of Art and Design) assumed internacionalization as a strategy of scientific and pedagogic assertion and, consequentially, as an essential element of its educational project more over because the designer´s job is influenced by local and global happenings, combining different ideas, values and points of view in its speech and practice.
Because of this ESAD has signed several protocols with its international counterparts and, in 1993 started its Erasmus student exchange program (in and out). During those years, new bilateral agreements were signed with foreign higher education institutions, progressively growing the number of outgoing and incoming students. Nowadays ESAD has around 90 bilateral agreements with European, Brazilian,China, Israeli and Canadian higher education institutions.
Throughout the years hundreds of ESAD students accepted the challenge and enjoyed the personal and academic fulfillment that international mobility has offered them. They contacted with new countries, cultures, new languages and new work methods. By distancing themselves from the comfort of their house and their family, they enjoyed new experiences, opened new horizons and became more autonomous and mature. On 2014/15 enjoy the experience 32 Esad students.
On other hand, ESAD is proud to have received hundreds of foreign students (for example in 2014/15 ninety - about 10% ESAD´s students are Erasmus), allowing them to live a rich and gratifying experience, transforming the space of the school into a living, dynamic and multicultural environment since about 20 different nationalities live together in this space.
Erasmus mobility also allowed for many of ESADs teachers to teach in foreign higher education institutions for short periods of time. In the same fashion, ESAD has also received hundreds of foreign teachers (in 2014/2015 there were about 60 foreign teachers) that did workshops, conferences and exhibitions and participated also in IPs, teach in some classes and debated curriculums and work methods and collaboration in near future prohjects with ESADs teachers.
The testimonies of outgoing and incoming students and teachers left in several collaboration projects showed that these exchanges enrich the ESAD experience. So, we will continue to diversify and deepen cooperation, teaching, research and exchange programs with international higher education institutions namely through the ERASMUS + program, promoting interculturalism and interdisciplinarity and consequentially promoting the success of our BA and MA graduates in a globalized world and this way promoting also the employability.
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