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Higher Education Network for Human Capital Assessment and Graduates Employability in Armenia
Date du début: 15 oct. 2012,

The project aims at uphold the higher education reforms and modernization process in place in Eastern Neighboring Area, by addressing quality assessment and support of graduates’ employability in the country of Armenia. Despite important steps in moving towards further integration of employment policy into the overall policy framework (2008-2012 Sustainable Development Programme-SDP) youth unemployment remains a serious issue. Moreover, current information base do not allow monitoring of the training system, the labor market, and the link between them, to forecast skills requirements of the labor market and training needs (World Bank 2006). The project will thus support Armenian Universities in identifying instruments and methodologies to improve the effectiveness of education system through the implementation, at local level, of a graduates database system that, following the Almalaurea model in Italy, pursue two main goals: provide an efficient tool to Universities and Government for the monitoring of long lasting impact of HE on society and improving educational supply accordingly; supporting employability and collaboration between education and business sector. The system will allow enterprises to search for graduates to employ according to specific skill needs while allowing graduates comprehensive and democratic access to labour market. The project will be supported by AlmaLaurea, in strong collaboration with Armenian Universities in all activities from DB implementation to dissemination. Training of University staff will be performed on all aspects, from IT development to DB promotion, within students communities and towards the business sector to ensure project sustainability. Identification of instruments and methodologies on how to use the indicators and the statistical data will be provided during specific training sessions. All the project results will be largely diffused through international conferences, meetings, publications and a web site.



16 Participants partenaires