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Hey There! Are You AwarEU?
Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This youth exchange will take place in Portugal, starting on 14th June and ending on 23rd June, 2016.Participants:This youth exchange is for youngsters between 18 and 25 years old, from Portugal, Latvia, Slovakia and Romania (5 participants + 1 leader per country). No restrictions for leaders age.This project is for youngsters with few opportunities, that are unemployed, or at risk of leaving school at an early age.Background: This organisation placed in a rural area and in a Natural Park, was expanding, due to the large number of youngsters who wanted to do more for themselves, for the community and for surroundings.During the last youth exchange, were found necessities that meet the European Year for Development 2015, and the importance of the EU. So, this project was thought to context the youngsters about EU, the functioning, values, targets, the importance of the vote, the participation of the EU to support countries that face many difficulties, the importance of the citizenship and european awareness, with the target to sensitize the youngsters to be more participative in their communities, to change habits, to be more motivated to do volunteering, to participate in mobility programs, for they become more sensitized about the problems around the world, and for they be aware that a change is possible through each one of us.We plan through non formal education, promote a personal development, for they know better themselves, for they have the experience of intercultural teamwork, developing social skills as well. This project will enable and motivate them to become more aware of the world, more aware what means being an european citizen, more able to decide what to do everyday in their own life.Goals:- To understand the world in dimensions that affects the quality of life of the people and the connection between them (poverty, climate changes, conflicts...)- To sensitize youngsters about UE and all what involves (values, targets, actions...)and sensitize the youngsters for the importance of the vote and have an active voice/participation; - To promote in youngsters the sense of european citizen, the importance of the volunteering, the will to participate in mobility programs; - To sensitize the youngsters for the importance of changing habits, respecting the planet;- To exchange and share cultural experiences (traditional dances, stories, games);- To develop intercultural dialogue and international awareness, to promote tolerance, respect and solidarity;-To develop personal and social skills (self-esteem, motivation; self-confidence, teamwork, sense of entrepreneurship);- To spread Erasmus +;- To promote learning outcomes in agreement with the youthpass key competences;- To advance a communication in a foreign language (English);-To promote a more straight connection with the local decisors;In this youth exchange we will have activities such as:Activities and Name games; Dance Workshops; Evaluation Meetings; Intercultural Evenings; Tourist Visits; Public Demonstrations of the work developed during the Exchange; Traditional Storytelling; Yoga; Theatre, Music, Dance & Media Workshops; Energisers & Ice-breakers;We will have methodologies such as:Power-point; Prezi; Interviews to the elders about games and traditional storytelling; Cooperation between the participants to get the goals in each activity; The main focus will be non-formal education, even that we will have some few moments with formal education.Results, impacts and benefits:We intend to enable youngsters in a personal, social and professional level, so that they feel able and secure to be themselves and to be more aware about their responsability and contribution in the world, that even if it can be a small thing, it will help to provide a change.To search solutions, for they make the difference, they need motivation, self-confidence, resilience, and we want that this exchange promotes these skills, that enable the participants to have a larger notion about what they can do, and what they want to do, either at the professional or personal level. In this way, we believe the results in youngsters will start on the moment through the tolerant and sharing atmosphere, that they will leave, but also in a long term, when these youngsters will put in practice what they learnt, developed or discovered, in this project.Of course, these results, impact and benefits will be reflected in the communities where these youngsters belong, in the participants who will share their experience and knowledge, in the ones that will participate in a mobility program, or become more participative, the ones that will change habits, and will try to sensitize others to change habits as well or will share in diferent events their experience in the different countries, and also for the organisations that can work more in an international level, sharing experiences and knowledge.



3 Participants partenaires