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Happiness in the nature!
Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Nature, the place where we are living. Nature, the place why we are living. Nature, the place which will be explored by 32 participants coming from the countries such as Czech Republic, Cyprus, Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Macedonia during the youth exchange called Happiness in the nature. The main goal is to raise awareness about nowadays enviromental problems and give advice to young people from 18 – 25 years old how to behave enviromentaly friendly to the Earth. The project will be implemented from the term of 23.9. - 1.10.2016 in Krásensko in the centre of enviromental education Lipka. The project was invented by people who graduated in the Regional development where a lot of subjects were focused on global problems, enviromental issues. The project team is realizing that sharing the knowledge is huge responsibility. Seven young people would like to take this challenge and make an eco education more popular. Through non formal methods of education we would like to show participants, partner organizations and also to other people how it is important protect the nature. The main objective is to increase enviromental awareness among youth, develop attitudes to behave enviromental friendly, to support their innovative thinking and creativity. The project is designed for youngsters who are between 18-25 years old and they are coming from bigger towns. We have the feeling that the youth are not so familiarized with the ecological problems. And the connection between the human and nature is slowly dissepearing. Everything begins from the nature. How we are behaving to the nature, can be reflected to behaving to each other. The tolerance, solidarity is missing in nowadays society. We would like to show participants how they should appreciate the nature as the human beeing. We would like to involve participants coming from the cities, because this target group is most affected by internet addiction. In our youth exchange, they will spend one more than one week without internet. Why? To connect them with the nature, to find the place where they can enjoy the time more than social networks and computer general. Participants will gain theoretical knowledge about ecology, enviromental problems. We will use the non formal methods such as role play, world café, passion walk, discussions, brainstorming, energizers, reflection groups, improvisational theatre, etc. Some of the activities are developed for supporting their creativity. The outcomes of the project and its impact will be really wide. One of the outputs of the project is to create their project community proposals which they would like to implement in their community. Before working on their proposal, they will be inspired by the implementation of the event called “Změna jsi i ty (You as the change)” in Lužánky park, Brno. Participants will be actively involved in this event but everything will be prepared in advance and participants will be kind of “observers” to watch how the activity is going and thinking about which impact can it have. The main goal of the event is to involve kids in eco creative activities and support them to beeing eco friendly. Another outcome of this project is to create the comics of the story of Youthpass. This tool will be useful as a promotion of that European certificate. During the day where participants will do a lot of creative activities, they will create with the help of facilitators the video description how to make the various products from the trash. All of the outcomes will be published in the official website of the project By using new digital technology and social network, we will create the facebook profile site “Eco daily news”, the idea will be structured in the youth exchange. By impelementing this youth exchange we expect the huge impact on participants, organizations involved in this project and other target groups on local, regional and international level.Being eco awarred is continuing challenge! The team of Brno for you is ready!



5 Participants partenaires