Rechercher des projets européens

Güçlü Okul Güçlü Meslek
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

ERASMUS+ Vocational Training Project called as "Strong Schools Strong Job" was prepared in the coordinatorship of Yozgat Akdağmadeni Nene Hatun Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (VTAHS) and participated by Çubuk Hayri Aslan VTAHS, Birecik VTAHS and Aksaray Necmiye Mehmet YAZICI VTAHS as local partners. The mobililty activity of the project between 24 April-14 May, 2016, were carried out in France, Germany and Hungary. 45 students and 5 teachers attended in mobility activities carried out in from each school as participants. 45 students determined as participants within the project participated many important activities before mobility activities and during them. In this context, it was ensured that before mobility activity our participants joined in preparation activity in following fields: - increasing their readiness level in the meaning of professional and including in pedagogic preparation programme to remove individual differences, - giving foreign language support in the level that they are able to cope with the situations they will experience in daily life - including in cultural preparation programme about European Union specific to France, Germany and Hungary the participants will go. -including in orientation activities to provide maximum benefit from foreign mobility activities and to remove probable risks -providing practical support in the fields the participants need to be a part of foreign mobility activity. Our students getting ready by means of training they attended before mobility activies have gained very important experiences in the meaning of vocational, social and cultural fields during 21-day foreign mobility activity. Our students attended in internship and training activities, France, Germany and Hungary and so they got oppurtunity by improving their vocational training in European level. Apart from craft knowledge and skill, 45 participants got an oppurtunity in improving themselves in linguistic, cultural and personal areas. The activities they participated in France, Germany and Hungary during 21 days contributed to their linguistic developments. Also, the important activities were carried out in the area of cultural development being the significiant goal of our Project. The Project activities has provided significiant benefits both to recognition of France, Germany and Hungary to presentation of our own culture to them. The excursions held in countries such as contributed enough to reach that goal. All our participants have acquired significiant gains in terms of personal field such as using time efficiently, group working, finding a solution to problems, self-confidence, develoment of consciousness of European Citizenship. Our participants has been given certificate of participation by our home partners during mobility acitvities and our school as Project owner institution at the end of mobility activity. We have done some activities for providing our students vocational competence to be recognized in European level. In this context, edited Europass Mobility document from the Turna system on behalf of all the participants. The dissemination works being one of the most important field of activity in our project were performed systematically. In this context, dissemination organs such as a website, facebook page, project board, brochures, project information documents and press releases were designed. The websites of Project-partner schools, facebook pages, the project website, provincial-district directorates of national education, district governships, local and national media organs were used effectively.



7 Participants partenaires