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Grow up in your free time!
Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

"Grow up in your free time" is a project of youth cultural exchange that involves 2 associations: the italian" Centro studi e ricerca di tradizioni, canti e balli popolari gruppo folk Amastra" and the finnish "Etelä-Pohjanmaan Nuorisoseura ry" and that will last from the 5th to the 13th of September 2016. During these 9 days, 44 guys will discuss the problem of isolation and youth social exclusion of which many young people are the victims and how the folk dance can be a great activity for use in a healthy, fun and training way their free time, perceiving less that sense of frustration typical of those who live these problems.To achieve our goal of combating these phenomena and increase personal and social education of each participant we will make use of activities such as speeches, workshops, brainstorming, all done with a non-formal methodology.Participation in this project will allow young people to learn about a new culture, to feel more confident about themselves thanks to the constant comparison with other people and raise awareness of being European, wisshing that in the future they will do something useful for themselves and the community in which they live in order to combat this phenomenon (European active citizenship).No small importance the improvement of their English skills.


1 Participants partenaires