Date du début: 1 sept. 2016,
Date de fin: 31 déc. 2017
The project 'Gorski In Europe' is planned for one year: from 1 August 2016 to 31 July 2017 and it is a continuation of 'Gorski In Europe – Stage I', which finishes on 30 June 2016. It has been developed by Zespół Szkół 49 in Warsaw, an educational organisation comprising two secondary schools - Wojciech Górski Junior High School and Wojciech Górski High School, with 55 teachers and about 450 pupils.At the moment we are carrying out two Erasmus+ projects: one within KA1 and the other within KA2 programme. Their impact on the school community has been enormous – more nad more teachers and students want to get involved into new projects, as they can see a positive change which participating in a project might cause. The main goal of this project is to create an effective crosscurricular team ready to build up a collection of educational tools for learning many subjects with the use of foreign languages. We will be able to take up a challenge to be faced by European schools, in which we may soon expect many immigrant students.According to the agreed criteria, 8 teachers have been selected to take part in the project: 2 English teachers, and 6 teachers of other subjects. All of the mobilities are planned to take place in Malta.1. 7 teachers will take part in a 2-week TEL course – Technology Enhanced Learning – in interactive groupwork sessions on the project, in gaining ICT skills to create educational tools, the teachers will:- learn how to use a wide range of available freeware and Internet applications to design internet games, quizes, blogs to be used in teaching different subjects;- learn how to design their own internet websites and blogs;- learn how to use an interactive board;- develop a plan for their professional growth;- develop a set of tools needed for project activities and tasks. 2. 1 teacher of English will take part in a methodology course – Methodology Revisited, Revitalised, Re-energised. The course will improve teaching competences by applying the latest findings in the field:- offering a wide range of ideas on how to make lessons more atractive and students more motivated;- developing teaching skills;- suggesting best practices of applying teaching methods.Both courses require active participation by the use of brainstorming, analysis, problem solving, and practical teaching knowledge exchange among the participants. Apart from motivating to gaining new professional skills they also stimulate personal development.The project will be executed according to the schedule covering three stages of project activities – preparatory period, implementation and evaluation. The head teacher will appoint the project leader to monitor the execution of the schedule.We expect the following effects:1. The teachers will build up a crosscurricular team, gain new teaching skills- they will be able to create educational tools based on the use of ICT, they will create a tool-bank open to teachers of other subjects, including foreign languages and Polish as a foreign language.2. The crosscurricular team will continue working during the school year and will inspire other teachers to join in and expand the tool-bank.3. The participating teachers will develop their language competences – understanding and speaking, which will enable them to use elements of the CLIL method in their classes, and in the future to carry out international projects, including eTwinning ones.4. Understanding and responsiveness to inter-cultural exchange and learning will grow, which will benefit classes with foreigners.5. Staff motivation to work will increase.6. Teachers will establish a contact network with foreign fellow professionals, which will enable the school to start new strategic partnerships in the future.
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