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Good Practices in Education Models of European Youth
Date du début: 20 août 2015, Date de fin: 19 mars 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project " Good Practices in Education Models in European Youth" is a multilateral training course that takes place in Finchcocks Oast, Risden, Kent, UK, 9-18 March 2016. " Good Practices in Education Models of European Youth" involves 35 participants genders equally balanced for over 16 years old including the group leaders (one leader from each country) coming from UK, Czech Republic, Portugal, Latvia, Serbia, United Kingdom, Italy and Turkey. The main theme of the project is to learn the educational systems in European countries. Our goal is to share educational experiences and cultural differences either in formal or informal fields between young people coming from different EU Countries. The project also analyse these connections related to education: 1) Young people’s labour market; 2) European Citizenship; 3) Inter-cultural Learning. The project is developed in 3 phases: Preparation: The participants within their organization prepare an enquiere about the education and the other topic of the exchange both with questionnaires and social media network. There is an intensive communication via email, skype, facebook with the group leaders to agree in details the activities planing and implementation. Implementation: During the days of the exchange there are integration and group building activities, non-formal workshops on the topic of the training course , trip to some historical places, a seminar , intercultural activities and youth issues discussions The materials used and collected during and before the exchange are used to prepare a social media networks that is build up by all participants during the project (face book, blog, twitter, you tube) Evaluation: There is an on going evaluation during the project and a final evaluation on the last day of the exchange. Also Web tool evaluation tools are used by the team leaders to monitor the results of the project. Youth Pass certificates are completed and issued for each participant as an auto evaluation tool. Romanca Society Diplomas are also awarded to the participants.



6 Participants partenaires