Up2Europe est un accélérateur d’idées pour des projets de coopération.
La plateforme Ma Région Sud fait partie de l'écosystème de Up2Europe qui permet de booster la coopération à un niveau supérieur!
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Go ahead is a project aimed to bring together youths to explore cultural diversity and gender roles among youths from different backgrounds and cultures. The exchange will bring together youth from Sweden, Moldova, Ukraine and Denmark.The project aims to involve young people from these countries and enhance their engagement and citizenship through similar cultural interests.Also to promote the girls participation as leaders in the branch of music and other culture production activities or any activities where exclusion is present and to bring together youths to explore cultural diversity through different exercises. To share experiences between youths in similar situations and through cultural interest unite as European citizens.Youths from Sweden, Denmark, Ukraine and Moldova come from different social and economic situations and can through similar cultural interests unify and learn from each other, for future cooperation and breaking the boundaries.
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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