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Global Govan 3.0
Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The EVS project Global Govan 3.0 is a collaboration between Xchange Scotland, a hosting organisation from the UK and 3 sending organisations from Spain, Czech Republic and the Russian Federation. The project will involve hosting 3 volunteers, 1 from each sending country for a period of 12 months. The project will start on the 1st August 2015 and will be based in the city of Glasgow, United Kingdom. The project seeks to meet the need for young Scots to have an improved understanding of European and international activities such as EVS and to provide them with positive intercultural experiences through direct contact with volunteers from a range of European countries. Using non-formal educational methods the volunteers will create and disseminate a range of activities, promotional and informational materials that seek to inform the local youth population of not only the opportunities available to them, but also the multiple benefits to them of participating in volunteering and intercultural activities on a local and international level. As a result it is expected that the level of understanding of international opportunities, the intercultural understanding of local young people, their desire to participate in volunteering and lifelong learning opportunities shall all increase. It is also hoped that there will be an increase in the amount of young people taking part in such activities, leading to an increase in the skills and experience, their intercultural competences, understanding of their role as active citizens and their participantion in the democratic lives of their communities. The project shall also create a new partnership between a range of organisations that had never collaborated before, with the possibility of future joint projects as a result of a successful implementation of this project.



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