Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The project GIOVANI A 360° arises from the sharing of objectives between Rete Europa Piemonte (a network represented by the Cooperative O.R.So.) and the Piedmont Region. The common interest is to promote active participation and direct meetings between decision-makers and young adults to address issues relevant to the youth population, making a path whose results will be used to revise the regional law n.16 / 95 "Coordination and support activities for young people."The MAIN OBJECTIVES are:Improve the skills and key competences of young people, promoting their participation in democratic life and active citizenshipEncourage debate on some issues concerning the youth, promoting the active involvement of young people in the discussion on the issues and priorities covered by the legislative review.The project will be implemented by some Piedmont ORGANISATIONS working regularly with young people, even under the Erasmus+ programme: cooperatives Vedogiovane, Stranaidea and Vedogiovane Asti and the community association CISV – Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato.PARTICIPANTS will be at least 300 young people aged between 18 and 28, ensuring gender balance. The partnership will manage to reach young people all over the Piedmont. We will involve both young people with specific experience in certain sectors (culture, ecology, work, etc ...) and other without specific experience.The PREPARATION includes:Informative campaign throughout the Piedmont region, using databases of the partners, services that deal with young people, universities, etc...In each of the eight provinces of Piedmont, an experiential workshop (1-2 days) with a specific theme: Environment; Job; Citizenship and legality; Intercultural; Entrepreneurship and new jobs; Housing; Social economy; Culture. The working method includes: practical activities, debriefing, confrontation in order to identify needs and proposals for the debate with the policy makers.Project website, promoted through social networks, with high levels of interaction with the users to enable young people to inform themselves and contribute to the discussionTHE MAIN ACTIVITY of the project is the organization and management of an event lasting two days that promotes the debate between young people, policy makers and sector experts, based on reflections and suggestions already shared within the laboratories and through the website.This meeting involves the active participation of 300 young people, 100 of them in presence and 200 remotely, through the use of the project website.The meeting involves four different modules which are closely related:Presentation of the initiative and start of workPresentation and study in groups of what emerged in the preparatory phaseDevelopment of shared positions, proposals and recommendations for youth policies designed and implemented at regional levelFeedbacks and conclusions8 youth-workers, with proven skills and experience in the management of youth groups and members of the organisations participating in the network “Rete Europa Piemonte” will conduct activities and animate the debate with the young people, both present and connected by the Internet.Policy-makers and officials of public bodies will contribute with a listening phase, followed by a debate and the construction of a final summary of the work, to be integrated in the revision of the law.There will also be guests from other Italian regions and European countries to bring specific expertise on specific issues addressed.The WORKING METHOD includes short speeches and mainly dialogues in groups, focusing on the comparison between the experiences of the participants. Both during the work in plenary and in the focus groups there will be surveys and consultations in the presence and online, in order to collect immediate feedbacks on the issues discussed.These are the EXPECTED RESULTS of the project. For the young people involved:Improve fundamental competences to be able to contribute actively to a debate: active listening, analytical thinking, cooperation, information search, leadership. The competences will be evaluated to complete the Europass CVDevelopment of interest and capability to deal with relevant issues from a European perspective and not only from a local point of view



9 Participants partenaires