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Getting the Ability of working with disabilities more and more 2016
Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2018 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

This project is applied for by the CO Rock Solid Foundation for international youthwork for HO Humanitas. it will be an EVS placement for 4 volunteers from 4 different countries for a periode of 1 year. Since 2013, Humanitas has hosted these kind of foreign volunteers. this time it will be volunteers from Germany, Italy, Greece and austriaHumanitas is an organisation working in the field of mental disabilities, Humanitas has a lot of different locations and possibilities for volunteers to get to know the heath care system in the Netherlands providing possibilities for people with these disadvantages. They have a lot of living groups and working places. An own restaurant ran by clients of the organisation. Office workers, management, ambulant workers, teaching etc. etc. The four volunteers will focus on learning the differences in the society regarding this work filed, next to that they will try motivating and activate local youngsters and clients from the organisation to participate in national and international projects. Also they focus on improving the conditions in their own country step by step when they come back home. In the EVS project they will coöperate with as many as possible places in the organisation. They will be activly involved in the different activities of Humanitas as on local as regional level. The volunteer will also attend Dutch classes for foreigners, The duration of the activity is 12 month and will start in September 2016We expect the impact of this project to be very big again, especially because the Netherlands are considered as being very evoluated in the field of working with mentally disabled people, so the impact on the volunteers and their homes will be big because they will come back after one year sharing all these new ideas and competences.



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