Rechercher des projets européens

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Our project aims to host 2 volunteers in the "Special Education" Centre that is located close to Livadia and focuses in voluntary service in the sector of mentally disabled persons. The specific objectives are divided in two categories depending on who the beneficiary is: a) for mentally disabled persons, the objectives are focused in the improvement of their everyday routine, fighting of discriminations, social inclusion, high quality teaching, and finally implementation of new methods and techniques of non-formal educationb) for volunteers, the objectives are: the comprehension and acceptance of diversity, the exchange of knowledge and techniques in mentally disabled persons, developing communication skills, the ability of collaboration and work in a foreign environment and society, and the improvement of reliability and responsibility in personal level. The duration of voluntary work is 10 months for 2 volunteers. The proposed activities are also distinguished in two sectors: 1) voluntary service with creative activities for the mentally retarded persons such as handicrafts, painting, music, pottery, constructions, energizing games, table games, gardening, physical education, free time entertainment and accompanying them to their local transportations.2) voluntary service on planning, organizing and implementing youth activities with similar youngsters from abroad in the frame of various European and World programmes for the creation of networks of voluntary organizations. Maintenance and update of the webpage, design of a leaflet and organize an information/dissemination event for publicity. Willing to prepare and organize an international youth exchanges with other similar groups from abroad.Finally, volunteers will learn how to apply practical techniques for all mentioned works and will acquire knowledge and skills in social services.



1 Participants partenaires