Rechercher des projets européens

Gemeinsam Empowermentstrategien lernen
Date du début: 18 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Many young people throughout Europe look ahead rather pessimistically concerning their occupational outlook. In the light of the current economic state in many European countries and the increasing competitive environment it is becoming more and more reasonable that one might not find one's preferred occupation or even an apprentice position. Thus this project aims at giving confidence as well as developing strategies of empowerment in order to enable young people to better cope with everyday challenges as well as reveal different perspectives for their personal and professional lives. Therefore topics such as integration/inclusion, equal opportunities, participation as well as gender justice are to be discussed. For that purpose young people from Germany, Ireland and Turkey are grouped together for 8 days to develop through an international exchange of resources possibilities that can enlarge their chances and opportunities of participation both in the labour market and within the respective social security systems. Our participants predominantly derive from socially/economically disadvantaged families and many also share an immigrant background. They will be encouraged to apply self-initiative as well as creativity when reflecting their own as well as alternative ways of living and the moral standards that underlie each. This will happen both in cooperative ways as well as experience-oriented. The project's structure will focus on methods of non-formal education, which are based on voluntariness, holism and process-orientation. Here, outdoor as well as experimental education has proved successful, which teaches and makes tangible professional competences such as respect, tolerance, cooperation and solidarity. Excursions to both traditional and innovative facilities of training and development will help to gain insights into reaching professional goals once one's own capabilities have been discovered - even if this requires taking detours. By getting in touch with other young people from different countries, international contexts can be experienced, which will help all participants to become able to make small steps towards improving their own - often challenging - situation.



2 Participants partenaires