Rechercher des projets européens

Gelenktes Praktikum in London im Rahmen der IHK-Erstausbildung Start 2015
Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

Participants: Young trainees taking part in a vocational programme / initial training in advertising, communication and business management (Kauffrau/-mann für Marketingkommunikation) with IHK-certificate (German Chamber of Commerce) as well as participants of a biennial vocational school. Preparation: imk – Private Institute for Marketing and Communication GmbH Partner institution / agent: EBMS – The European Business Management School, London (UK) Objective: Promote participants’ independence, flexibility and mobility by personal experience, necessary integration in a foreign work environment as well as political and social structure. Participants become acquainted with transnational topics which broaden their linguistic skills as well as their personal maturity and tolerance. Key qualifications like the capacity of cooperation, teamwork, communication and last but not least learning aptitude are fostered. The creation of international contacts and networks is supported, options and opportunities with regard to the European labour market are facilitated (London as part of a global network of advertising agencies). The programme’s approval by the German Chamber of Commerce (IHK) as well as the participants’ admission to the final IHK-examination due to outstanding qualifications is decisive with regard to the acknowledgement of the international practical experience. Target group: Participants are young people with medium or upper educational achievement who already gained practical or vocational experience in the course of an internship prior their vocational training. Due to the internationalisation of the initial vocational training, participants have to cope with the requirements of the professional world already at an early stage of their vocational career and acquire capability as well as tools of lifelong learning. Furthermore, the professional and linguistic quality of their education is increased, which is decisive especially in the field of advertising, marketing and media. Increasingly, graduates are employed at globally operating companies or agencies, which above all emphasise the readiness of mind, flexibility and adaptability to new situations, as well as the linguistic, transnational and cultural knowledge of their employees. Trainees are provided with the basis for entering the European employment market. The programme’s implementation creates a competitive advantage for all parties involved (imk, agent, partner institution, participants), strengthens their international competitiveness and facilitates the adaptability to sociopolitical transformations of a united Europe. In order to succeed in their future career, participants are supported to independently develop problem-solving strategies. The programme as well as imk’s strategies and those of its partner institution EBMS focus on the philosophy that participants are only able to develop capabilities and competences of rapid problem solving by individual experience of new surroundings and its divers facets. Due to participants’ age and lack of experience to cope with such situations, the organisations’ role is demanding as well as supporting, related to several theories of the educational approach of moderate constructivism. Participants enjoy the freedom to but are also obliged to meet the challenge of new situations and to accustom themselves to new surroundings and requirements on their own responsibility but supported by partner organisations. Consequently, key qualifications of a vocational education such as the ability for learning, communication, cooperation and teamwork as well as flexibility and mobility are developed and fostered in a sustainable manner. International certificates prove each participant’s personal success and achievement of objectives, facilitate the creation of international networks (as what concerns participants as well as receiving organisations) and stress options and opportunities of transnational recruitment of human resources.



1 Participants partenaires