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Gas Sensor NanoWires by Chemical Vapour Deposition (GaSNoW)
Gas Sensor NanoWires by Chemical Vapour Deposition
Date du début: 1 mai 2010,
Date de fin: 30 avr. 2012
This proposal has two main aims: to perform high quality scientific and technological research, and to give training to an experienced researcher to establish her as an independent researcher. Scientific goals Fabrication of nanostructured WO3 as Gas Sensor material using Chemical Vapour Deposition WO3 is one of the most used materials for gas sensing, due to its sensitivity and stability. However, it does not show a very good selectivity, and the fabrication process is often long and expensive. This project investigates the improvement of the selectivity and sensitivity of WO3 by depositing it as nanowires. To perform this, the use of a hybrid (combined) Atmospheric Pressure and Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition (AP/AACVD) is proposed; this technique is very cheap, simple and could be easily industrialised. The modification of WO3 will be also investigated: noble metal nanoparticles (i.e. Au, Ag, Pt) and Carbon NanoTubes (CNT) will be used to modify the gas sensor surface. In this way the selectivity of the sensor is greatly improved. The main scientific/technological outcome of the project will be the fabrication of prototype gas sensor devices, achieved by performing the deposition on appropriate gas sensors substrates, such as alumina and micro-hot-plate. Training goals The training given to the researcher will consist of both scientific and transferable skills. Scientifically, she will gain knowledge in Materials Science (experience in gas sensors materials) and Electric Engineering (instruments and devices). The latter one is particularly important for her, considering her Chemistry/Materials Science background – she will broaden her skills and expertise. Regarding transferable skills, she will be mentored by the scientist in charge in tasks such as research proposal writing, student supervision, and project management and coordination. All these activities will help her to improve her profile and establish her as an independent researcher.
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