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Gallipoli 2015
Date du début: 15 mai 2015, Date de fin: 14 mai 2017 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

The main objective of the project Gallipoli 2015 is to contribute 29 Turkish youngsters’ personal and professional development by attending various voluntary activities between 2 and 12 months in 12 different countries. In 100th anniversary of Canakkale War, the volunteers will be our peace ambassadors and raise awareness about cultural diversity, fight against prejudices and tolerance with the help of their local works. Roles of the partners according to the activities; Coordinator & Sending Organization: Çanakkale Koza Youth Association • Activity A1: FLOW1: FCASEC/Fumureni – ROMANIA (2 Volunteer/12 Months) • Activity A1: FLOW2: Asociația Tinerii 3D /Craiova – ROMANIA (2 Volunteer/12 Months) • Activity A1: FLOW3: Asociaţia Voluntariatul pentru Toţi /Resita – ROMANIA (2 Volunteer/ 12 Months) • Activity A1: FLOW4: Wild Carpathia/Arad –ROMANIA (2 Volunteer/ 12 Months) • Activity A2: FLOW 1-2-3: Focus Association /Pazardjik- BULGARIA (6 Volunteer/2 Months) • Activity A3: FLOW 1: YouNet/Bologna- ITALY (2 Volunteer/ 12 Months) • Activity A3: FLOW 2: YouNet/ Bologna-ITALY (2 Volunteer/12 Months) • Activity A3: FLOW 3: Tulime ONLUS /Palermo- ITALY (2 Volunteer/12 Months) • Activity A4: FLOW 1: Zdruzenie na studenti po pravo i mladi pravnici Pavel Satev/ Kocani – MACEDONIA (2 Volunteer/ 6 Months) • Activity A4: FLOW 2: eWorld COMMUNITY/Kocani –MACEDONIA (1 Volunteer/6 Months) • Activity A5: FLOW 1: Semper Avanti / Wroclaw – POLAND (1Volunteer/6 Months- 1 Volunteer/12 Months) • Activity A6: FLOW 1: Asociación Mundus / Badalona- SPAIN (2 Volunteers/12 Months) • Activity A7: FLOW 1: ProAtlântico – Associação Juvenil / Oerias – PORTUGAL (2 Volunteer/ 12 Months)



13 Participants partenaires