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Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

„GAIA” Project is applied under Erasmus+ Program, „Youth Mobility”, under the coordination of „Terra Nobillis” Association from Arad, Romania in partnership with „Jump In” Association from Poggiardo, Italy and forseese 2 youth exchanges: The first Youth Exchange of „GAIA” Project will take place in Poggiardo-Italy between 10.02.2015 and 25.02.2015, and the second Youth Exchange will take place in Arad-Romania between 07.04.2015 and 22.04.2015. On both Youth Exchanges will participate 15 young people from Romania and 15 young people from Italy (with ages between 17 and 23 years). Each group will have 3 group leaders (minimum 18 years old). There will be implemented the following activities: 1. Sport sessions/outdoor activities 2. Social exercises 3. "Protecting the nature" workshops 4. The Campaign for Information, Education and Awareness - "Protect Nature, Protect you!" 5. Study visits organized in Natural Park Costa Otranto (3 days) 6. Ecological/sanitation activities 7. "Pollution-recycling" workshops 8. "Roles/responsibilities of custodians of protected areas/nature reserves" workshops 9. Study visit organized in The Protected Area "Defileul Muntii Metaliferi" (2 days) 10. Study visit in mixed teams with the canoe on Mures River, route Arad-Pecica-Nădlac (2 days) 11. "Quizz nature" Championship The main objectives of the project: 1. Developing and strengthening transnational cooperation between youth organizations 2. Promoting a healthy lifestyle by growing interest in maintaining and promoting the health of the environment 3. Developing key competences and increase universal youth 4. Promoting sporting/outdoor activities for adopting a healthy lifestyle and develop interculturality 5. Developing active citizenship



1 Participants partenaires