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Future Learning with iPads and Tablets
Date du début: 1 juin 2015,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2016
Mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets spread fast in today´s Internet society. A rising tendency of their usage can also be observed in adult education organizations. The use of mobile devices radically changes the way we learn. They increase motivation to learn and offer new possibilities for personalized and group learning. Accessibility features of tablets and special apps support the inclusion of learners with ASN (additional support needs) or SEN (special education needs). Additionally, they support creativity and self-expression and it is great fun to use them.
The opinion of our organization,the POUZ, is that equipped with good ideas and the knowledge of the proper usage, those new mobile devices can increase the quality of teaching and learning in our organization. The course we chose our applicant to attend is based on the pedagogical idea that learners are an active, creative and responsible party in their own learning processes. Course content was fitted to participants’ particular needs and it consisted of :
•Implementation of tablets in an educational organization
•Best practice examples drawn from Austrian organization Atempo
•Education and collaboration platforms for tablets
•Accessibility features of tablets
•Apps for people with learning disabilities (alternative and augmentative communication (AAC), reading and writing, mathematics, etc.)
•Apps market – sharing experiences and practical trials of different programs
•Creative learning with tablets
•Enhanced learning with augmented reality apps
•Safe internet use
•Local educational study visits
•Support communication, learning and self-expression using the camera and other multimedia apps
We expect that the participant of this mobility gained knowledge necessary for using tablets and i Pads in an educational process and that this knowledge can be some time after finishing the course integrated into our institution programmes ( first foreign language learning programmes and later in the others as well). In this way, our students will have opportunity to participate in the process tailored to their needs, gain skills and competences quicker and as a result they will become more competitive on the labor market.
We also hope that this course will represent the first step in innovative, inclusive teaching and learning process as well as the first step in the modernization of our educational institution.
Moreover, an essential part of this course was the European orientation so we hope that an international team of trainers and lots of possibilities to network and share professional experience with colleagues from all over Europe will make the course participation an unique and useful experience.
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