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Future Internet - Core
Date du début: 1 sept. 2014,
Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016
FI-WARE has started to materialize as a powerful foundation for the Future Internet. FI-WARE is an innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, at a scale not seen before. FI-WARE is now well under way to successfully achieve its goals of boosting the effectiveness of creating new services of high economic and societal value, reinforcing EU competitiveness and bringing opportunities for high-growth entrepreneurs and SME players.Now, following an intensive period of research, development and experimentation, the FI-Core Consortium aims to complete the FI-WARE vision and support a truly open innovation ecosystem around FI-Lab, a working instance of FI-WARE that is distributed across multiple datacenters in Europe and is effectively operated using the suite of FI-Ops tools. In this project, the FI-Core consortium will deliver a)Technology extensions, introducing new capabilities to the platform, b) means for platform availability, including the launch of operational FI-Ware nodes across Europe with resources and tools to support them, as well as extensive FI-Ware education and training programs for Web entrepreneurs and SMEs plus c) Processes and tools for platform sustainability, dissemination of current and on-going results, namely FI-WARE, FI-Ops and FI-Lab. These will be a globally competitive foundation for Europe's economy.
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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