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Future IMPACT...
Date du début: 1 juin 2015,
Date de fin: 31 mai 2017
Our project acronymed 'Future Impact...' sets a solid implementation agenda on our School's new development plan, aiming to build a layered strategy towards the vision to be reached on the very top, which is creating an organizational and instructional culture that will position METU Development Foundation Schools to be recognized as a great place for education and work.
This strategy will be achieved by ensuring opportunities for the success of all students by providing a high-quality and comprehensive instructional program and effective leadership. Therefore, the most important step on this layered strategy is to expand and improve the integration of in-service training that will lead to support curriculum implementation, instructional innovation and so to improve student achievement.
The training courses will broaden the participants' personal horizon, opening their mind towards international cooperation and contacts, multiculturalism and foreign languages. Participants will have become better leaders in their fields and having survived in a different cultural environment with a foreign language will have strengthened their self-confidence. This will also have a positive effect on their professional performance .
Having met colleagues from other countries and having shared ideas and experiences will be worthwhile and result in inter-cultural awareness. The quality of teaching will enhance and this will result in better learning outcomes on the part of the students. New approaches and strategies with European standards will connect our school to the outer world tighter and cause us to fulfill our vision and mission.
So the impact of the courses is needed to fulfill the school's needs identified in our Strategic Development Plan. The international experience acquired through the mobilities will help us setting up international strategies in raising competence, broaden internationalization and educational development.
The first step was to make an analysis of our needs that will lead us to our strategic plan aims. Starting from this analysis we wrote an action plan and realized that training of staff in certain areas as management and teaching skills is required. Whether objectives are achieved or not will be evaluated and conducted by the administrative team. Improvement in quality will also be revealed in the results of the satisfaction surveys taken both by parents and the working staff at school.
By continuous communication with participants and course providers after the course. Managers will also investigate if the steps described to professionalize the plans of the participants are achieved, within the school's performance evaluation system.
16 staff will have the opportunity to have training abroad within this project.
Courses that will be attended are : "Team Work as a Means for Enhancing Productivity", Barcelona - Spain , "Identify the Hidden Talent in your Classroom", Palermo - İtaly, "Understand yourself, Understand your Learners (Enneagram)" Prague - Czech Republic, "Problem Solving and Decision Making," Prague - Czech Republic, "Teaching English - Motivating Learners and Preparing for CLIL", Rome - Italy and "Understanding the UK Education System, Plymouth - UK
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Bonjour, vous êtes sur la plateforme Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur dédiée aux programmes thématiques et de coopération territoriale. Une équipe d’experts vous accompagne dans vos recherches de financements.
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